for human psychological well-being. However, unlike other positive emotions such as 'enjoyment', only interest can instigate knowledge-seeking behaviour. Although interest has similar meaning to 'curiosity', interest is a more frequent term used among language teaching practitioners and researchers, and...
and maintained strategic stability in relations with other major countries. Major countries need to lead by example in making the world a better place. How they engage one another bears on the future of humanity. Taki...
California Prison Focus stands by these human rights activists who were subjected for decades to the cruel and unusual punishment of long-term solitary confinement, who are not a threat to public safety and, to the contrary, are much needed in their communities. These men are particularly vulnera...
There is an often-used term, ludo-narrative dissonance, which is where the narrative in a game contradicts the act of playing the game. It is a silly phrase, often ridiculed but an often useful one. Here though, I want to propose a different, equally silly term. There are moments of l...
Trump wants tocut corporate taxesand perhaps rely ontariffs to replace personal income taxes. Unfortunately for Trump, the world has changed since he won the 2016 election, and if elected to a second term, Trump’s tax cuts could prove a disaster for the U.S. econ...
Sec. 33.Term of Protection.- For trees and vines, the period of protection shall be twenty-five (25) years from the date of the grant of the Certificate of Plant Variety Protection and twenty (20) years from the said date for all other types of plants, unless declared voidab initioor...
These alternatives are still being tested and evaluated for their long-term performance, and further research and development may be required before they can fully replace cadmium in finish plating applications. You did not mention Tin-Zinc. Has this material gained inroads in US military specificatio...
If we take the term to mean the use of nuclear weapons against an enemy, I’d disagree. The development of low and variable yield nuclear weapons seems to indicate their use is being considered. And Clinton’s hacked emails reveal that she and her advisers believed Israel ...
Only thirty years ago, from the late fifteenth century until 1992, the Vice-Chancellor at Cambridge was chosen from amongst the heads of colleges as first among many, elected annually from amongst those Heads of Cambridge Colleges and usually serving only for a two-year term – explaining why ...
[24], suggests a rather long‐term impact on the rearrangement of the local neuropil, or that it acquired a new steady state condition fNoelulroowgliian2g01 l8e, s1ioning, with loss or perturbation of the ...