As a student at the University of Mississippi in the 1970s, I wrote a term paper on Elvis movies. I found a review ofClambake, a film set in Florida starring Elvis as a singin’, swingin’ water ski instructor who also drove speedboats. The reviewer noted that at the end of the film...
You have to weigh whether you want to improve your odds of surviving 10 or 15 years by a few percentage points in exchange for short-term, or perhaps long-term, misery. Or are you more drawn to the least disruptive traditional therapy coupled with alternative approaches like nutrition and im...
As I wrote of the 2003 SARS crisis, the origins of pandemics cannot be regarded as exclusively external or internal to the region: “Rather, they emanate from external forces interacting closely with the internal vulnerabilities of states.” Hence, reducing internal vulnerabilities is a crucial firs...
I packed up and quickly left for fear I wouldn’t be able to find my way home in the dark. * * * * * Later in the week, I got the lowdown on the history of this particular kibbutz – and kibbutzim in general - from Pnina, a long-term Ze’elim resident and colorful local ...
sounds still emanate from physical loudspeakers driven by physical amplifier channels, so there’s a certain amount of semantics at play here. But Atmos is scalable: A commercial theater can have as many as 64 discrete, individually addressable loudspeakers, including multiple “height” speakers in...
{t - 1} } \right)\) is included to correct for possible endogeneity bias resulting from the correlation between the main predictor and the error term; all the data are pre-weighted by \({1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\hat{\sigma }_{t} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace...
Another university professor was arrested and jailed for eight months for owning a book titled The Chomskyan Revolution, which the Hutu soldiers could not understand. The fact that it mentioned the term revolution without quoting the Enlightened Guide, the president, was enough to suspect him as ...
'Literature' is an umbrella term for poetry, fiction, drama and criticism. All these emanate from and get sustenance from the imagination. It appeals to the imagination too. Human emotions are mostly their subject matter and they mix pleasure with instruction or knowledge giving. Such writings ...
Listen to this voice from the depths of the Cold War: “I consider myself a servant not of your country alone, because I work for the freedom of all, but since this freedom emanates mainly from your country, I have decided to join with you, and shall continue as long as my strengt...
The original Sanskrit term for Idaten seems to be Skanda (and not Veda as may be suggested from i-da or wei-t'o). He is one of the eight generals belonging to Virudhaka, the guardian god of the southern quarter. He is a great runner and wherever there is trouble he is instantly ...