(that’s another term for tea break or supper) session when you sense that I needed it; some of you would set aside their time to accommodate me with a yumcha or karaoke session when I initiated it, cuz I needed it; some would be there to lend me some listening ears, for me to ...
So those of you have been with me for some time will probably remember that I’m not a fan of the term “resolution”. I don’t want to resolve myself towards anything that doesn’t truly require that sort of sentiment. I prefer the more apt term “goal”. I like that a goal...
"atomic pile" is an anachronistic term for "fission power reactor". The first fission reactor was a pile of graphite bricks. A fusion reactor is not going to be called a "pile."). Then Sandbag, too, was in the airlock, and Jack had the Ariadne to himself. It made him feel ...
Intermission of judicial proceedings; the space of time between the end of one term and the beginning of the next; nonterm; recess. noun (n.) The intermission of the regular studies and exercises of an educational institution between terms; holidays; as, the spring vacation. noun (n.) The...
A term made up of the two parts / + /1 /-1, where / and /1 are vectors. calefactor noun (n.) A heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, as a stove, etc. collector noun (n.) One who collects things which are separate; esp., one who makes a business or practice of ...
and however grievous the loss both to the owners and to Lloyd’s, we may console ourselves by the reflection that since a submarine cannot keep the sea for more than ten days without refitting, and since the base has been captured, there must come a speedy term to these depredations.” ...
The original Sanskrit term for Idaten seems to be Skanda (and not Veda as may be suggested from i-da or wei-t'o). He is one of the eight generals belonging to Virudhaka, the guardian god of the southern quarter. He is a great runner and wherever there is trouble he is instantly ...
The greatest conqueror the world has ever known since Alexander and Napoleon is an old and frail man. In 1962, he is 73 years of age, and some dare to whisper that he is not long for this world. The fear of all the world is that once the Führer's funeral pyre is lit, it will...
Severed heads and limbs, blood and gore, the plucking out of eyes and tongue….. There was a long way to go before Kensington Gore, the generic term for stage blood, achieved a convincing colour and viscosity in our own era. Shakespeare had to be satisfied with a bladder of pig’s blo...
(basically the French), led by William the Conqueror, invaded and took over the British Isles. That made French the language of the English court for hundreds of years. As many as 10,000 loanwords resulted from that period of English history. Interestingly, a lot of war-related wordsare...