19, viz., the relation that his disciples must hold to things of earth, which are summed up by him under the term "mammon" as with us under the term "wealth." Observe also that it is not the possession of wealth that he condemns, but the serving it, making it an object of ...
A popular term for a bright-hued variety of some minerals; as, the rose-red cobalt bloom. noun (n.) A mass of wrought iron from the Catalan forge or from the puddling furnace, deprived of its dross, and shaped usually in the form of an oblong block by shingling. noun (n.) A ...
This is something lots of “Christians” (i.e., people who say they follow Christ but actually kinda suck at it) miss: you can’t just make a list of all the things Jesus was for and against because it super matters to Jesus what he was super for and super against (#technicaltermf...
Intermission of judicial proceedings; the space of time between the end of one term and the beginning of the next; nonterm; recess. noun (n.) The intermission of the regular studies and exercises of an educational institution between terms; holidays; as, the spring vacation. noun (n.) The...
There’s one issue left. We’re terrible at communicating probabilities. If I were to say, “The stock market is likely to crash sometime in the near term,” two problems stand out. How much is “likely”? How long is “near term”?
If this poor man, so deformed in body, was still able to support himself, and complete his term of life, how much more may they do so, whose deformity is that of their faculties!9 - 孔子適楚,楚狂接輿遊其門曰:「鳳兮鳳兮,何如德之衰也!來世不可待,往世不可追也。天下有道,聖人成...
Here, Jesus applies the parable to His contemporary audience, the generation that witnessed His miracles and teachings yet remained unrepentant. This reflects the broader biblical theme of accountability and judgment for those who reject divine revelation. The term "wicked generation" recalls the languag...
My PCs still say Ilizmagorti was “the best place to party” in my long term pirate campaign mainly because I used this. Notice the conciseness and richness of detail. This entire sidebar takes the space they used for one cocktail recipe in the Travel Guide. “That drink that was just ...
The church also offersbrief midday services from theBook of Common Prayeron weekdays and several other Communion services during the week. Weekday “Morning Calm” services are held during termtime, as “a short period of reflection, contemplation, and relaxation before the challenges of the day ...
try to keep away from doing any of this stuff, as they’ll doubtless flip her off. There are some things that international guys try this turn off Chinese women. For starters, many foreigners are typically quite loud and outspoken, which may be seen as rude or boastful by Chinese ladies....