Incompatible Beliefs: Ecclesiastical religions (particularly Abadar and Iomedae) The tribal people of the Mwangi Expanse walk a path between the mortal world and the spirit world, or hana juju. Those who follow their ancient traditions believe that countless entities known as wendo move among mort...
“The mist transitioned into a needle-like rain” give mood to the story of stone walls and characters like Lawyer Martinson and Whitby, the town watchdog. The gradual integration of Gavin into the Vermont town ends with, “Gavin decided ...
Unfortunately, the subsequent session summary was lost to the sands of time somehow. But in it they go to Lo Lulu, the “Night Lord”‘s realm of death (based onBaron Samedi) which is one of the more complex setpieces in the adventure, where there’s a land of the dead dance hall ...
First, I have experienced a great deal of personal turmoil lately. That’s no one’s problem but mine. The turmoil is a direct result of recent developments in the news; my more alert readers can make of that what they will. Bad news is not hard to find. This has put me off my g...
The story of children being sacrificed to Molech has haunted me most of my life. As we have grown to cherish life as a wonderful gift of God, it is unimaginable how anyone could intentionally end the life of a child on an altar. In the case of Molech, it was the altar for a false...
As a Jew, I have never been told that the Exodus was literal. In fact, the rabbi I studied under said specifically that the Exodus was not literal. Multiple times. But the story of the Exodus is a central part of the cultural heritage of being Jewish – and it underlies and informs ...
After a great interval of time he became aware that he was near the lower edge of the snow. Below, down what was now a moon-lit and practicable slope, he saw the dark and broken appearance of rock-strewn turf He struggled to his feet, aching in ...
It has more people that all of Europe, more than 27 distinct languages, many different religions and even a big diversity of races. Yet it has held together and is confoundingly stable. Churchill said at the time of de-colonization: India is no more a country than the equator is a ...
I would say there was more fervent prayer in the hospital, onanyday, than in many a church … even onEasterSunday. The hospital was that place where people of all colors, creeds and religions would go seeking a remedy for whatever ailed them. Some would praytoGod while others, who nev...
We have evidence for Jericho (or at least dwellings in the area prescribed to be Jericho) actually existing and being destroyed at some stage, however, this does not prove the story of Joshua being true as there is no evidence for the sounds of horns destroying the city. True, the absence...