It’s the “complimentary close” or “complimentary closing” that business writers are wondering about, those phrases that come before the signature in a letter.The complimentary closes below are listed from (1) very formal to (14) very warm. Very truly yours, Respectfully, Yours truly, Sin...
My dear Robbie, I want you to have a letter written at once to Mr. Hargrove, the solicitor, that as my wife promised to settle one third on me in the case of her predeceasing me I don’t wish any opposition to be made to her purchasing my life-interest. I feel that I have bro...
More recent (and ongoing) research by Bill Lockhart, Tod Von Mechow, Jay Hawkins and others have been very helpful in correcting and “fine tuning” date ranges for glass companies (and some of the marks each used for shorter periods of time while a particular company was in operation). T...
It’s a nice thing to see, a person who has given up every good thing he has ever had for a person who needs it more, being noticed and helped by all the people who care about him in his hour of greatest need. If I think about it too hard, I don’t 100% buy that none of ...
Below is a “starter list” of tweet-able phrases that came to mind. Please add your own. Phishing: Remember when fishing was done with a rod & reel – finding quiet time in nature? Tweets: Remember when tweet was what the birds did in the trees along the water? Campfire: Remember ...
So, do animals communicate? Not in words, although a parrot might be trained to repeat words and phrases which it doesn't understand.But, as we have learnt, there is more to communicate than words. Take dogs for example, they show their teeth to warn, shake their tails to welcome and ...
But when all this has been said and conceded, there yet remain countless passages of true and vital beauty, exquisite phrases, haunting pictures, glimpses of perfect loveliness. His poems of comradeship and the open air, his pictures of family life, have often a magical thrill of passion, lea...
Two weeks on and I’m still not dusting. Shamelessly I am now milking this for all its worth. DH has been the perfect Florence Nightingale and I’m in no hurry to get back to housework just yet. I may never get a free ride like this again in the future. Well, I also got an ...
I am bound to confess that some of Tarhov’s phrases had sunk deep into my soul … and were ringing in my ears…. In truth, was it possible Baburin … was it possible he did not see she was not a fit match for him? But could this possibly be: Baburin, the self-sacrificing ...
♦ Write a letter of apology ♦ Make a reference book about the culture of a country Procedures ● Welcome to the Unit Step 1:Brainstorming As we all know, different countries have different cultures and customs. Look at the following pictures. In which countries do people greet each oth...