The other payables and accruals mainly consist of receipts in advance, value added tax payable, payables for property, plant and equipment and accruals. 其他應 付 款項及應計費用主要包括預收款項、應付增值稅、物業、廠房及設備 應付款項及應計 費用。 Trade payables, other...
Accruals and other payables 应计费用及其他应付款项 accruals 英[ə'kru:əlz] 美[ə'kru:əlz]n. 获利( accrual的名词复数 ) 利息; 自然增长; 自然增长物;[网络] 应计利润; 权责发生额; 增值;[例句]In the financial statements for the biennium 2000-20...
求翻译:Our other payables and accruals primarily consist of payables related to the acquisition property, plant and equipment, mining rights and exploration rights and assets, as well as accrued staff expenses. The following table sets forth the details of our other payables and accruals as at eac...
Commitments of the Commission are shown as unliquidated obligations and other accounts payable 四) 委员会的承付款项都列为未清偿债务和其他应付账款。 MultiUn Other accounts payable and accruals 其他应付账款和应计项目 UN-2 (Decrease) in other accounts payable and accrued liabilities 其他应付...
accounts payable, current deferred income, current provisions,current otherfinancialliabilitiesandincome tax payable. 已動用流動資本乃流動資產減去應付賬款、即期遞延收入、即期撥備、即期其他金融負債及應付所得稅。 ...
604 Current liabilities Trade and bills payables Other payables and accruals Amounts due to non-controlling shareholders Amount due to an associate Deferred income – current portion Tax payable Bank and other borrowings – due within one year 流動負債 營業及票據應付款項 其他應付款項及應計費用 欠...
As of December 31, 2022, the current liabilities of the Group were RMB1,361.1 million, including trade payables of RMB308.9 million, other payables and accruals of RMB599.2 million and interest-bearing bank and other borrowings of RMB446.0 million. As of December 31, 2022, the Group had ...
536 Current liabilities Trade and bills payables Other payables and accruals Amounts due to non-controlling shareholders Amount due to an associate Deferred income – current portion Derivative financial instruments Tax payable Bank and other borrowings – due within one year Bank overdrafts 流動負債 ...
Prior to the adoption of HKFRS 15, deferred revenue arose from advance receipt was recognised in the statement of financial position within other payables and accruals. Upon the adoption of HKFRS 15, the Group reclassified it to contract liabilities from other payable and accruals. (c) ...
(a) the actual rental expenses payable before the application of IFRS16, and (b) the total of depreciation of right-of-use assets and the interest portion of lease liabilities charged to profit or loss less the finance income on refundable rental deposits paid credited to profit or loss ...