Omoro (Oggun to some), “The One Mighty and Strong”, Club and machete, Warthog and Bear Mfuello, “The Journeyer”, Shortspear, Frog Old Ba, “Old Man, The Ancient”, Quarterstaff, Goat Donma Goko, “The Cliffdweller”, Dagger, Swallow-tailed gull ...
We’ve been using the primary names for decades in Pathfinder world now, so this a weird add that doesn’t expand our direct usability of the world. Do they use these different names in… Garund? Are they formal “Latin Church” type names the educated would use vs. peasant terms? Who...
We’ve been using the primary names for decades in Pathfinder world now, so this a weird add that doesn’t expand our direct usability of the world. Do they use these different names in… Garund? Are they formal “Latin Church” type names the educated would use vs. peasant terms? Who...
From School Library Journal Grade 4 Up-- Great, hairy warthog-like reptiles (Cynognathus); prairie dog mammals with little horns on their noses (Epigaulus); and elephants with tusks protruding from their lower jaws (Deinotherium)--all of them seem like creations of Dr. Seuss, and yet ...