The Gladiator - Road of the Sword (2003) on PGMThe Goonies (1986) on Nintendo Playchoice 10The Killing Blade (1997) on PGMThe Killing Blade Plus (2005) on PGMThe King Of Fighters Neowave (2004) on Sammy AtomiswaveThe King Of Fighters XI (2005) on Sammy Atomiswave...
gladiatornoun(n.) Originally, a swordplayer; hence, one who fought with weapons in public, either on the occasion of a funeral ceremony, or in the arena, for public amusement. noun(n.) One who engages in any fierce combat or controversy. ...
This was the best year for the Oscars in decades. Top to bottom, this year’s films were better than any year in recent memory and you have to go back averylong time to start to get into years where, for the most part, the movies are excellent and the good ones win. That shouldn...
Using a noose, as a gladiator. larceny noun (n.) The unlawful taking and carrying away of things personal with intent to deprive the right owner of the same; theft. Cf. Embezzlement. lardery noun (n.) A larder. lardry noun (n.) A larder. lardy adjective (a.) Containing, or ...
Puzzli 2 Super S.V.G. : Spectral vs Generation The Gladiator - Road of the Sword / Shen Jian / The Road Of Sword The Killing Blade / Gouken Kyoutou The Killing Blade Plus / Gouken Kyoutou Plus Pages: 1 2 Demon Front 2002 Do Donpachi 2 : Bee Storm IGS - 2001 Prequels...
“. The man tries and it works. “You saved my life” he says. Actually, the eastern part of Benin is occupied by Yoruba people, just like in southwestern Nigeria. And on the roads, I hear as manyOyihboasYovo(names for the White man in Yoruba and Fon)....
5.) It was CDCr whoset up the Gladiator Fightsinside Corcoran State Prison Security Housing Unit – CSP-SHU in the 1980s, that led to seven (7) prisoners being murdered in cold blood and thousands of prisoners being wounded and beat on in these conflicts instigated and agitated by CDCr ...
Idaho was the setting for the tale and ERB created two imaginary kingdoms separated by the Raft River and “forever at war.” Burroughs’ facility in concocting names that were unusually rhythmic, colourful, or comical, which was strikingly evident in his later works, both the Tarzan and other...
He names the bug Cuca – short for Cucaracha in Spanish. The close alliance seems to improve until someone makes a terrible mistake. I can still remember the moment I became a pacifist, an animal lover, and a defender of animal rights. From that moment on, I also turned into a better ...
would come the trinkets the pharmaceutical reps would have brought him during the day, now presents for his children. They were pens, to spinning balls with names on them that we had never heard of or understood how to pronounce but they were the highlights of his coming home beside himself...