Germany, and Switzerland was bevacizumab, adalimumab, and rituximab, respectively. Comparatively, the lowest uptake was for products with infliximab, insulin lispro, and insulin glargine as the active ingredients.
We assessed the safety of insulin lispro in gesta- tional, type 1 and type diabetes mellitus, analysing 635 pregnancies over a period of 7 years. We also evaluated patient satisfaction, sending an internationally-accepted anonymous diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire to 22 patients (three ...
Maiorino, et al., Addition of neutral protamine lispro insulin or insulin glargine to oral type 2 diabetes regimens for patients with suboptimal glycemic control: a randomized trial, Ann. Intern. Med. 149 (2008) 531-539.Addition of neutral prota-mine lispro insulin or insulin glargine to oral...