Cheese seems to work for me, but it has to be Crackerbarrel cheddar to be pliant enough to mold around the pill. One of my dogs gets a Xanax every day, and she will spit it out of any other brand of cheese. Since the other dog gets a piece of cheese at the same time,...
After I got the Thundershirt on her, she was more calm in less than 3 minutes. I was amazed. She has had no more diarrhea; she is only now on Xanax which I am trying to wean but she still spins to get that lost tail but is improving. I am in contact with a friend whose brothe...
And last, but not at all least, Medication:Serious cases of thunder phobia can be life threatening. I’ve had clients whose dogs ran away, and weren’t found for days, and clients whose dogs jumped out of second story windows, mutilating their bodies in the process. I wouldn’t hesitate...
To Margaret, and re medication: You are right that it is a vet’s job to prescribe medication, but I have indeed worked with some client’s veterinarians who successfully used some kind of psychotropic drug to good effect. I remember a Bull Terrier who bit very badly,...