(same as md5sum and shasum and the like), or its own format. Hashes can be output in octal, decimal, hexadecimal, uppercase hexadecimal or base64. It supports directory recursion, hashing entire devices, and generating a hash for an entire directory. It has a 'CGI' mode that can be ...
Devices can be initialized individually or all at once. # liquidctl [options] initialize [all] Most devices provide some status information, like fan speeds and liquid temperatures. This can be queried for all devices or using the filtering methods mentioned before. ...
Local Voice Control will allow users to control their smart home devices through the new Echo Plus or new Echo Show even through an internet outage. Users will be able to see who is at their door with the Echo Show and communicate with visitors through Ring and August doorbell cameras. Alex...
Show more Screenshots People also like Phoenix Force Free + Phoenix Force will challenge you and your friends in 100 boss battles to see who has the best dodging and strategy skills. Many years after the Earth was burned to ashes, the Phoenix was reborn and found the world full of ...
Bob had board made and programmable devices programmed and we all went to town. I customized mine a bit by making it battery powered. It uses a sealed lead/acid battery, and can run for five or six hours. Note that after this above picture was taken, I straightened out the row of ...
Rathke’s cleft cysts: differentiation from other cystic lesions in the pituitary fossa by use of single-shot fast spin-echo diffusion-weighted MR imaging Moritani, "Rathke's cleft cysts: differentiation from other cystic lesions in the pituitary fossa by use of single- shot fast spin-echo ...
Of course, ASUS also has the Padfone which is a truly revolutionary design that I’ve been waiting for someone to build foryears.I hope it finds its way to the US in an LTE model. ASUS also has a good track record for updating their devices to newer Android versions. It hasn’t bee...
Amazon says new features are coming to its lineup of Fire TV streaming devices and the recently released Fire TV Omni and 4-Series televisions. Among the new tricks is a Smart Home Dashboard that provides convenient access to smart light controls and sma
cat/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freqcat/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freqcat/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq The output will be in kilohertz (kHz), so, for example, 950,000 will mean the CPU frequency is 950MHz. ...
In case you missed the memo, Amazon launched a lot of new Alexa-enabled devices today. In addition to new Echo Dot, Echo Plus, Echo Show, Echo Input, and Echo Sub, and Echo Link devices, the company also introduced a bunch of accessories that let you interact...