2. Other as a pronoun: -别的(bié de) can be used as a pronoun to represent other things, people, or entities. -其他人/其它人(qítā rén) specifically refers to other people. 3. Other as a noun: -另外一个(lìngwài yí ge) can be used to indicate another person, place, or thin...
2.otheras a pronoun(代词) other作代词时,有复数形式: others(所以others是other作为代词时的复数形式,代词一般作主语或者宾语) We have to solve this problem, more thanany other, today.我们今天必须解决这个问题 I will send two emails to him and I will sendotherstomorrow.我今天发两封邮件给他,其他...
We can use the other as a pronoun, especially to refer back to something which has been mentioned already in the sentence: He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other. She has two kittens, one is black and the other is all white. Another When we use the indefin...
1. "Other" serves as an adjective to describe something as being different from the norm or not included in a group, for example, "other people" refers to those who are not part of the speaker's group or category.2. As a pronoun, "others" is used to refer to a group ...
other as a pronoun other作代词用时,根据上下文内容,可以使用复数形式。We have to solve this problem, more than any other.我们必须解决这个问题,而不是其他任何问题。I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send others tomorrow.我会在这封电子邮件中附上两张照片,明天再发给其他人。2、...
several meanings. As an adjective, it refers to something or someone that is different from what is being referred to or considered. For example, "She is the other student in the room," means there is another student in the room besides the one being discussed. As a pronoun,...
b. the other (as pronoun; functioning as sing): one walks while the other rides. 2. (a) different (one or ones from that or those already specified or understood): he found some other house; no other man but you; other days were happier. 3. additional; further: there are no ot...
Other can also act as a pronoun. For this use, the plural form, others, is more common, as in this example: This shirt has a hole in it. Do you have others? The Other Now, let's talk about the other. A ...
2. As a pronoun, "other" refers to another person or thing in a pair, the remaining people or things, or another person or thing different from the one previously mentioned. It can also mean others in a general sense, or the other side, opposite direction.3. As a noun, "...
The word "other" is used as an adjective and pronoun to refer to something or someone distinct or different from what has been mentioned before. It can also be used as a noun to represent people or things that are not included in a particular group or category. Examples: - Can I have...