The message is quite simple – a Miss Chance, clearly known to both of them has returned, and they would like to meet up if at all possible, and if she caught thebusit would drop her in Latrobe St where her correspondent would meet her at the school room at 7 O’clock. (There we...
Midjourney September 6, 2022 by Steve 12 replies 657 views I recently came across an article for an AI-created art program called Midjourney and wondered if anyone on here had ever used it. The online art that it generated was pretty impressive. Last reply by Pattern Ghost, January 6...
And tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL-E have artists and writers sounding alarms about job security. So, what does this have to do with the events industry? In this episode of the Event Tech podcast, Will and Brandt share their thoughts on visual and text-based AI tools and how...
Very good AI App 100% Recommended to use Totally Free and Unlimited Credits in AI Chat and Art Generator. Art Generator Really beats Models like DALL.E. and Midjourney in Terms of Ease of Art Generation. 1 Reply Share Edit Delete Report AmigoChat Personal assistant Your ultimate AI assi...
AI could help. I recently came across Mid-journey which is AI-generated images. READER WARNING: it issuperaddictive. With it, you could have employees generate their own fully personalised and unique avatars in seconds. Below is an example of some images it generated when I asked it to ...
OR… if you’ve created something with another AI tool, like DALL-E, as I’ve done here. DALL-E gave me more or less what I wanted but without much of a tail. I spent another 20 minutes or so trying to get DALL-E to give me this fish with a tail before giving up. It really...
AI绘画之情绪表达 | 眼睛是心灵的镜子。面部表情是交流情感的有力工具。通过 Midjourney,我们可以创建能够传达广泛感受并与观看者进行更深层次联系的图像。 今天和大家分享几个展示情绪的AI图片。 提示词 a man and a woman give each other Valentine’s Day gifts, in a beautiful setting, smiling faces close...
“Lost in nature, where the boundaries between man-made garden and forest are unclear, we are able to feel like we exist in a continuous, borderless relationship between nature and humans,” teamLab wrote in its exhibition note. “Dale Chihuly: Glass in Bloom” Where: Gardens by the Bay...
The shape of the rock is like that of an eagle, which is a sacred bird. There are also large amounts of obsidian and extensive rock peckings covering most surfaces. Obsidian could have been left by pilgrims as offerings along their journey. These features and artifacts indicate that this ...
3Midjourney 0基础快速入门 3 Midjourn.. C4D&3D / PS,AI,SAI,其他 44426人在学 4Octane Render 全新入门教程+OC实战基础入门·每日三更 4 Octane R.. C4D&3D / C4D 186754人在学 5商业人像生成之手部修复 5 商业人像生成之手.. C4D&3D / 2680人在学 6C4D·基础建模系列·小白进阶 6 C4D·基础建...