Location: usa Posts: 628 OT: DSD Burner Well, this is a start. It burns DSDfiles(and high-resolution PCM ones, too) to a DVD and can play them. It doesn't burn actual SACDs, and the DVDs can't be played in an SACD player: ...
The aim of this study is to review and present the clinical features and process of evaluation and treatment for OT-DSD in a single center in recent years in China. Methods Sixteen patients with OT-DSD during the past 4 years underwent the evaluation and treatment in a single center. The ...
BACKGROUND: Ovotesticular Disorder of sex development (OT DSD) is a rare disorder of sex development characterized by presence in the same individual of both histologically proven testis and ovary. There is scant data regarding this disorder from the Indian subcontinent. AIM: To describe clinical,...
A case report of ovotesticular disorder of sex development (OT-DSD) in a baboon (Papio spp.) and a brief review of the non-human primate literature.True hermaphrodite, Ovotestes, AdenomyosisBackgroundDisorders of sexual development are rare in non-human primates....
【#张杰带着120000000元音响苏州开唱# 】8月23日,江苏苏州,@张杰 带着演唱会场地内外的粉丝一起大合唱。粉丝发现,这套价值1.2亿元的音响和舞台,就是全方位无遮挡的视觉体验!“没有一个长柱子或者音箱之类的挡...
+关注 感染科李侗曾 24-08-25 08:31 发布于 北京 来自 微博视频号 #令人心动的VLOG##微博热门影集# @微博VLOG L感染科李侗曾的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ6 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...感染...
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