1、Penetrex Pain Relief Therapy:美国很多专业运动员、运动爱好者都喜欢用的消炎止痛药膏,对于缓解肌肉疼痛、韧带以及肌腱部位的疼痛、坐骨神经痛、纤维肌痛、神经痛等症状非常的有效。 Amazon购买链接: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0026HDURA/?tag=detail-review...
1、Penetrex Pain Relief Therapy:美国很多专业运动员、运动爱好者都喜欢用的消炎止痛药膏,对于缓解肌肉疼痛、韧带以及肌腱部位的疼痛、坐骨神经痛、纤维肌痛、神经痛等症状非常的有效。 2、Bengay Pain Relieving Cream:这款药膏能够减轻肌肉疼痛、关节痛疼、肩部不...
炉甘石润肤露(Calamine Lotion) 含有局部麻醉成分(Pramoxine)的止痒润肤露,比如Sarna Sensitive、CeraVe Itch Relief 含有抗过敏药成分(Diphenhydramine)的止痒膏,例如Benadryl Cream 含有弱激素成分Hydrocorticone的止痒药膏,例如Cortizone 10 失眠Insomnia 图片来自于Tero Vesalainen/iStockphoto,版权属于原作者 家庭疗法 泡...
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孕妇可用的非处方止痒膏,例如:Aveeno Anti-Itch Concentrated Lotion (Calamine, Pramoxine)Benadryl Itch Stopping Cream (Diphenhydramine, Zinc Acetate)Eucerin Skin Calming Itch Relief Treatment (Menthol)Cortizone-10 Anti-Itch Cream (Hydrocortisone)Lanacane Anti-Itch Medication (Benzocaine, Benzethonium Chloride)...
含有局部麻醉成分(Pramoxine)的止痒润肤露,比如Sarna Sensitive、CeraVe Itch Relief 含有抗过敏药成分(Diphenhydramine)的止痒膏,例如Benadryl Cream 含有弱激素成分Hydrocorticone的止痒药膏,例如Cortizone 10 失眠(Insomnia) 图片来自于Tero Vesalainen/iStockphoto,版权属于原作者 ...
Australian Dream Arthritis Pain Relief Cream - For Muscle Aches or Back Pain - 2 Oz Jars (2 Pack) Add +6 optionsAvailable in additional 6 options $18.08current price $18.08Australian Dream Arthritis Pain Relief Cream - For Muscle Aches or Back Pain - 2 Oz Jars (2 Pack) 1854.2 o...
Topical pain relievers are also available without a doctor's prescription. These products include creams, lotions, or sprays that are applied to theskinin order to relieve pain from sore muscles and arthritis. Some examples of topical pain relievers includeAspercreme,BenGay,capsaicin cream,diclofenac ...
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UTI Pain Relievers Yeast Infection Relief First Aid Burn Treatments Liquid Bandages Mosquito and Bug Bite Relief Poison Ivy/Oak Treatments Sunburn Relief Topical Antibiotics/Antiseptics Topical Antibacterial Soaps Antifungal Cream Barrier Creams for Incontinence Hemorrhoid Creams and Treatments Jock Itch Product...