外用薄荷膏,例如Vicks VapoRub。 咽喉止痛喷雾剂Chloraseptic spray,有效成分Phenol,虽然在安全列表上,不过可以的话孕妇尽量少用吧。 咳嗽Coughing 图片来自于PonyWang/iStockphoto,版权属于原作者 家庭疗法 临床证明蜂蜜有止咳效果,可以尝试含服蜂蜜或者喝加了蜂蜜的茶。 孕妇可用的非处方止咳药 薄荷糖,如Halls,Ricola...
外用薄荷膏,例如Vicks VapoRub。 咽喉止痛喷雾剂Chloraseptic spray,有效成分Phenol,虽然在安全列表上,不过可以的话孕妇尽量少用吧。 咳嗽Coughing 图片来自于PonyWang/iStockphoto,版权属于原作者 家庭疗法 临床证明蜂蜜有止咳效果,可以尝试含服蜂蜜或者喝加了蜂蜜的茶。 孕妇可用的非处方止咳药 薄荷糖,如Halls,Ricola...
Jock itch is an itchy red rash that appears in the groin area. The rash may be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. People with diabetes and those who are obese are more susceptible to developing jock itch. Antifungal shampoos, creams, and pills may be needed to treat fungal jock ...
Cough, Cold and Allergy Allergy Eye Drops Allergy Medicines, Oral Allergy Nasal Sprays Cold Medicines and Treatments Cold and Flu Medicines Cough Drops Cough Suppressants Decongestants, Nasal Spray Decongestants, Oral Expectorants Flu Medicines Zinc Lozenges ...
Cough, Cold and Allergy Allergy Eye Drops Allergy Medicines, Oral Allergy Nasal Sprays Cold Medicines and Treatments Cold and Flu Medicines Cough Drops Cough Suppressants Decongestants, Nasal Spray Decongestants, Oral Expectorants Flu Medicines Zinc Lozenges ...
Tolnaftate This is a staple in OTC products for athlete’s foot,ringworm, andjock itch. It comes in a cream, powder, spray, or liquid. You may feel relief after 2 to 3 days, but keep using it for at least 2 weeks after symptoms disappear. ...
To add these medical pharmaceutical spellings to your spell checker: First, a word about the spelling of generic, non-prescription, prescription, and OTC (over-the-counter) pharmaceuticals.As a general rule, the chemical name of a drug, usually called the "generic name," is not capitalized,...
Absorbine Jock Itch, Absorbine Jr. Antifungal, AC, acarbose, Accolate, Accupep HPF, Accupril, Accuretic, Accutane, Accutane Roche, acebutolol, Acel-Imune, Acellular DTP, Aceon, Acet-2, Acet-3, Acet Codeine 30, Acet Codeine 60, Aceta, Aceta Elixir, Aceta Tablets, acetaminophen, acetaminophe...