1port 2ports 4ports 6ports 8ports 12ports 16ports 24ports 32ports Model 48ports 64ports 72ports 96ports Keywords 1*2 1*4 1*6 1*8 1*12 1*16 1*24 1*32 1*48 1*64 1*72 1*96 Splitting ratio 1:2 1:4 1:6 1:8 1:12 1:16 1:24 1:32 1:48 1:64 1:72 1:96 core 1x...
19" Rack Mount 48 Port Sliding Type ODF 24 Fibers Drawer Patch Panel US$15.00-25.00 / Piece 96/144/288/576 Core Outdoor FTTH Waterproof Optical Fiber Cross Connect Cabinet US$100.00-300.00 / Piece Upto 12 Fibers Microduct Cable Low Friction Micro Air Blown Fiber Unit (MABF...
19" Rack Mount 48 Port Sliding Type ODF 24 Fibers Drawer Patch Panel US$15.00-25.00 / Piece 96/144/288/576 Core Outdoor FTTH Waterproof Optical Fiber Cross Connect Cabinet US$100.00-300.00 / Piece Upto 12 Fibers Microduct Cable Low Friction Micro Air Blown Fiber U...
Model:Connector:Port Power:12Vdc External Power (PSU#):ULI-224D 2.5mm plug, tip+ RS232 handshake BB-SMI6B-12V-P230C1 (optional)ULI-224T 2.5mm plug, tip+ RS232 handshake BB-SMI6B-12V-P230C1 (optional)ULI-224TCL Terminal block –BB-SMI6B-12-V-ST (required)ULI-224D BB-4WSD...
as well as the 10 V to 48 V Operating Supply Voltage, the device can also be used as RS-232 RS-422 RS-485 Interface Type. In addition, the Dimensions is 3.9 in x 1.7 in x 0.9 in, the device is offered in 2 Port Number of Channels Ports, the device has a 115.2 kbit/s of Ma...
2 Port 最大数据速率 115.2 kb/s 工作电源电压 10 V to 48 V 最小工作温度 0 C 最大工作温度 + 70 C 接口类型 RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 尺寸 3.9 in x 1.7 in x 0.9 in 商标 B+B SmartWorx 产品类型 Interface Modules 工厂包装数量
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Port Map Configuration...115 Verify the Database Configuration...116 Verify the Router Registry Key...
茹家精品酒店(武汉金融港北地铁站店)Rujia Boutique Hotel (Wuhan financial port north subway station store) 酒店位于东湖新技术开发区光谷大道,交通便利,环境幽静。酒店拥有布置温馨的各类客房,舒适的睡床、柔软的被褥、简约现代的家具、全天热水沐浴、空调、电视、电话等设施一应俱全。酒店配备餐厅,提供自助早餐,更...
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