乌打(Otak-otak)是新加坡的一种传统特色美食。 它是将鱼肉与各种香料混合,然后用香蕉叶包裹起来烤制或蒸熟而成。乌打的鱼肉馅料通常添加了辣椒、姜黄、香茅等香料,具有浓郁的香味和独特的风味。 乌打通常作...
乌达(马来语:Otak-otak)也称乌打,是一种以鱼肉泥与各种香料混合,放进香蕉叶或亚答叶包裹后拿去炊蒸或烘烤的食品,也是马来西亚柔佛州麻坡的代表性美食。 #来过来尝尝这个 #一般人不知道是什么 #民族特色民族文化 #东南亚风情 #纯手工打造 - 敏~于20240601发布在抖
Otak-otak is a fish dish popular in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. It is believed to have originated in Palembang in Sumatra where it is grilled in banana leaf. It has evolved a bit when it came to Malaysia where it is either steamed in banana leaf or ...
Otak’s Key Initiatives Sustainability, diversity, and community engagement are at the core of our culture and work. We incorporate these initiatives into our environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) framework in actionable and meaningful ways. Sustainability Diversity, Equity, & Inclusi...
Otak-Otak是一种由鱼、虾、墨鱼、鸡蛋、辣椒与椰浆混合,再用棕榈叶包裹后烘烤的美味小食Otak在马来语中是“脑”的意思,因为乌达的原料混合时看起来类似脑,因而得名,其他地方不多见,不过在马来西亚却是众所众知的美味啦#美食大V秀# #向往的美食# L明星美食的秒拍视频 ...
KL也能吃到正宗麻坡Otak-Otak? 在KAMPUNG CHERAS BARU(YULEK)的Restaurant Lapo Dapo,一家适合全家大小的清真餐馆,你可以品尝到美味的麻坡Otak-Otak。这里的Otak-Otak外酥里嫩,里面还能吃到鲜嫩的鱼肉,连我这个嫁到KL的麻坡人都赞不绝口。每次来都一定要点上一份,真的是家乡的味道。 这里的Nasi Lemak也非...
spices into a paste. A tiny portion of the fish paste is then wrapped in a piece of banana leaf into a slim parcel. This parcel is then grilled over charcoal fire. Unlike the Nyonya steamedOtak-Otak, the Muar version is usually eaten more like a snack than a main dish with steamed ...