Otak otak is one of the traditional foods in Palembang, which are very popular and made from fish as basic ingredients. The manufacturing process is easy and doesn't take a long time, so even among teenagers it is not a difficult thing to learn to make this food. The materials needed ...
登嘉楼小渔村甘马士海滩 | 登嘉楼居民主要以捕鱼为生,甘马士海滩 Pantai Kemasik是一个淳朴的小渔村,这里是河水和海水交界处,与别的海滩不一样,这里还有沙洲的自然风貌。它如大自然的鬼斧神工,般 不同的季节会呈现不同的风貌。因为地形的关系,这里没有大浪,可以尽情嬉水玩乐。蓝天白云和美丽的沙滩相映辉,不妨...
Mount Rinjani National Park天气22℃/32℃ Ikan Bakar Pantai Gading Lima Nur天气22℃/32℃ Qunci Villas Resort天气22℃/32℃ OLD TOWN Ampenan天气22℃/32℃ Pantai Seger Kuta Lombok天气22℃/32℃ Bukit Selong天气22℃/32℃ Alun Alun Tastura天气24℃/33℃ Benang Stokel and Benang Kelambu Waterfa...
IDENTIFIKASI KANDUNGAN IKAN TENGGIRI (Scomberomorus commerson) DAN IKAN SAPU-SAPU (Pterygoplichthys sp.) PADA OTAK-OTAKdoi:10.17844/jphpi.v26i2.45368Mackerel fish is commonly used in the manufacturing of otak-otak. Authentication of fish-based food products by visual...
Perubahan Nilai Gizi dan Alergenisitas Produk Olahan Intermediat Surimi dan Otak-Otak Ikan Tenggiri Siap Santapdoi:10.6066/jtip.2023.34.2.242FOOD allergySURIMIFRYINGFish is one of the nine major food allergens. Avoiding consumption of fish is a common preventive measure to...