高龄或疾病导致的肌力和平衡力下降是跌倒的主要原因,规律的运动锻炼有助于提高老年人肌力和平衡力水平,有效预防跌倒。 奥塔戈运动锻炼项目(Otago Exercise Programme, OEP)作为一项以预防老年人跌倒为目的,居家进行的个体化、循序渐进的肌力和平衡力...
Our study aimed to evaluate the impact of the Otago exercise programme (OEP) on physical function and mental health among elderly with cognitive frailty during COVID-19. Background: Lockdowns and restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic result in longer-term sedentary behaviours related disease ...
exercisefrail elderlymotor performanceBackground and PurposeExercise programs targeting muscle strength and balance can reduce falls. The study aimed to compare the Otago Exercise Program (OEP), originally designed as supervised home training (HT), with the same programme performed as ...
平衡火罐联合Otago运动对老年髋关节置换术后功能恢复及跌倒风险的影响研究 全科医学临床与教育2021年12月第19卷第12期Clinical Education of General Practice Dec.2021,Vol.19,No.12 ·经验交流·平衡火罐联合Otago 运动对老年髋关节置换术后功能恢复及跌倒风险的影响研究 舒娟 余丽红 郑小君 DOI :10.13558/j....
An increasing number of studies have focused on the effect of the Otago Exercise Programme (OEP) on reducing FOF among older adults, yet comprehensive analysis is lacking due to regional and demographic variations. Therefore, this study integrates the relevant literature to provide evidence supporting...
Exercise Nutrition Sports Technology Telecommunications Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv) 心理学 NZ$27700 统计 NZ$22900 测绘测量 NZ$28300 动物学 NZ$27700 应用科学 应用地质学 NZ$27700 水产养殖与渔业 NZ$27700 服装与纺织科学 NZ$27700 计算机模型 NZ$27700 消费者食品科学 NZ$27700 能源管理 NZ$27700 环境...
Journal of Exercise Physiology Journal of Experimental Biology Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of Family Practice Journal of General Physiology Journal of Hand Surgery : American volume Journal of Hebrew Scriptures Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Journal of Immunology Journal of Information...
Interventions, such as the Otago Exercise Programme (OEP), can reduce falls in community dwelling adults by up to 35%. The cost-benefits of such a programme in adults with RA have not been studied. The aims of this study were to determine the healthcare cost of falls in adults with RA...
This study provides an understanding of the knowledge translation and sustainability of evidence-based practice and the Otago exercise programme for fall prevention programmes for community-dwelling older adults in Norway.doi:10.1186/S12913-020-05853-8Hilde Worum...
Otago Exercise Programme to Prevent Falls In Older People: A home-based, individually tailored strength and balance retraining program. Otago; 2003.Campbell AJ, Robertson MC. Otago Exercise Programme to Prevent Falls in Older People: A Home-Based, Individually Tailored Stren...