The Otago exercise pro- gram performed as group training versus home training in fall-prone older people: a randomized controlled trial. Physiother Res Int (2014) 19(2):108-16. doi:10.1002/pri.1571Kyrdalen IL, Moen K, Roysland AS, Helbostad JL. The Otago Exer- cise P...
Background: Patients with knee Osteoarthritis (OA) have balance problems and a higher risk of falling, but it's not apparent whether proprioceptive training or the Otago Exercise Programme (OEP) can help with balance and fall prevention. In order to better understand the b...
Theme 1, The OEP DVD—useful training tool but in need of more pep, represented participants' experiences that the DVD provided important guidance at program onset, but was too slow and low-energy for longer-term use. Theme 2, Gaining control over one's exercise regimen, but sometimes life...
Journal of Exercise Physiology Journal of Experimental Biology Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of Family Practice Journal of General Physiology Journal of Hand Surgery : American volume Journal of Hebrew Scriptures Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Journal of Immunology Journal of Information...
Effect of Otago exercise training on fear of falling in older adultsdoi:10.12102/j.issn.1009-6493.2023.19.026FEARTREATMENT effectivenessACCIDENTAL fallsEXERCISE therapyOLD agePEI XinyueLU MengqianWANG FenglanZHANG XiaoliZHANG PanXING FengmeiChinese Nursing Re...
The intervention program constituted 3weeks of physiotherapy intervention focusing on pain management, strength conditioning, and balance training followed by an Otago Home Exercise Program.doi:10.1186/s43161-023-00121-2Sneha ChakravertyTanmay Jagtap...
To explore the impact of the digital implementation of the Otago Exercise Program (OEP) on balance ability (static and dynamic), muscle strength, and fall efficacy in elderly people; and analyze different potential influencing factors in subgroups to find the most suitable training plan.EBSCO, Pub...
Also, the TC group has shown a greater improvement in gait velocity after TC training program compared with the Otago exercise program. However, this study does not elucidate which exercise program is a more effective intervention method with older women for fall prevention....
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Otago Exercise Program (OEP) on SA among older women. Materials and Methods : quasi-experimental research with a control group was conducted in 2021 on 120 older women in Shiraz city, south Iran. Eligible samples were ...