Use the same URL for OTA (= operating system's RAUC update bundles) as used on beta and dev. This will allow for updating also instances that are configured to use the stable channel to update to dev and beta versions if such version is explicitly requested. Currently it's possible the ...
Despite almost two centuries of North American prehistoric copper research, intensive archaeological investigations focusing specifically on Oneota copper are less abundant. Building upon previous studies, this project documented and analyzed over 600 Oneota copper artifacts to assess the production, ...
Over 600 pieces of Oneota copper artifacts were documented and analyzed over the course of the past year in order to assess copper production, utilization, and the ideological and social significance behind this raw material. Artifacts from this study were recovered from four Oneota sites adjacent...
拓竹X1系列主动降噪功能来了!广受好评的 A1 mini 电机主动降噪功能现在可用于 X1 系列打印机了。这一创新功能降低了打印长直线时电机发出的噪音,并减轻了与高速打印相关的嗡嗡声。此外,它还略微改进了VFA(Vertical Fine - 3d打印机于20240405发布在抖音,已经收获了278