As the weather gets very cold, the exploration has become more and more difficult. 由于天气很冷, 探险(工作)变得越来越艰难。 2. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of. 他是一个让我们中国人引以为豪的明代探险家。 在此句中,...
AN ORDINANCE appropriating the amount of $50,000 for tennis courts at Stevens Field. 5404 AN ORDINANCE appropriating the amount of $1,347,160 for the Old City Hall Renovation project and amending Ordinance Nos. 5285 and 5341 relating to same. 5405 AN ORDINANCE amending the 1993 budget and ap...
social communication skills deficiencies,lack emotional connection between teachersandstudents ,aswell asthepotentialfor technicalmalfunctionsor glitches during live lessons.Also,it remains debatable whether it could fully replace