OT-II和OT-I小鼠都是T细胞受体(TCR)转基因鼠。OT-II小鼠的CD4 T细胞可以识别OVA抗原(OVA-323-339),而OT-I小鼠的CD8 T细胞可以识别OVA抗原(OVA-257-264)。这些小鼠常被用作研究免疫反应和疫苗的模型。OT-II:(CD4+---ovalbumin 323-339 )These transgenic mice express the mouse alpha-chai...
autoimmunity and tolerance and vaccine-induced T cell responses, and in situations in which pathogens or tumor cells have been engineered to express OVA, they can be used as surrogates of endogenous T cell responses. Consequently, OT-I mice have become widely used, and ...
回答者:网友 OT-II: (CD4+---ovalbumin 323-339 )These transgenic mice express the mouse alpha-chain and beta-chain T cell receptor that pairs with the CD4 coreceptor and is specific for chicken ovalbumin 323-339 in the context of I-A b. Homozygous mice are viable and fertile. In these ...
什么是OT-II和OT-I小鼠?OT-II: (CD4+---ovalbumin 323-339 )These transgenic mice express the m...
什么是OT-II和OT-I小鼠网友 1 最佳答案 回答者:网友 OT-II:(CD4+---ovalbumin 323-339 ) These transgenic mice express the mouse alpha-chain and beta-chain T cell receptor that pairs with the CD4 coreceptor and is specific for chicken ovalbumin 323-339 in the context of I-A b.Homozygous ...
什么是OT-II和OT-I小鼠OT-II:(CD4+---ovalbumin 323-339 )These transgenic mice express the mouse...
OT-II Mice 一、品系名称 品系名称:OT-II Mice 品系背景:C57BL/6J 毛色:黑色 相关基因型:a/a 二、品系描述 T细胞是一种在免疫反应中起着关键作用的白细胞,主要有CD4+T细胞(辅助性T细胞)和CD8+T细胞(杀伤性T…
14.进一步地,步骤(2)中,所述小鼠包括ot-i或ot-ii小鼠,ot-i小鼠的cd8 + t细胞对siinfekl的n4肽具有识别的特异性,ot-ii小鼠的cd4 + t细胞对siinfekl的n4肽具有识别的特异性。 15.进一步地,步骤(2)所述脏器包括脾脏、胸腺或淋巴结中的一种以上;所述免疫效应细胞为ot-i全脾脏免疫效应细胞。