Use --dry- run with --cleanup first if you're not certain. --keep KEEP_PATH When used with --cleanup, prevents file or directory KEEP_PATH from being deleted when cleanup is run. Use this if there are files in the export directory that you don't want to be deleted when --cleanup...
Be sure this is what you intend before using --cleanup. Use --dry- run with --cleanup first if you're not certain. To prevent files not generated by osxphotos from being deleted, you may specify one or more rules in a file named `.osxphotos_keep` in the export directory. This ...
Is some time that I am preparing a new Pandora, and I wonder if the creation of the installer for systems with AMD CPUs is very different from the usual way with Intel CPU. For now we have these things: FakeSMC.kext + PlugIns by Slice with AMD support. A
Catalina brings an eagerly anticipated cleanup of the old iTunes: now, three separate apps take care of Music, Podcasts, and TV. But just like in the last few years, Apple continues to bring the iPad closer to the Mac: the "Catalyst" framework makes it easier for iPad developers to brin...
Both offer demo versions so you can try them out and see if they clean all your files. MacWasher X shows you how much space it saves when it cleans each program. Internet Cleanup’s main window lets you choose which cleaning tasks you want performed....
子句cleanup 清理、清除CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) 通用语言基础设施client 客户、客户端client application 客户端应用程序client area 客户区client cursor 客户端游标 (for database)client-server 客户机/服务器、客户端/服务器clipboard 剪贴板clone 克隆CLS (common language specification) 通用语言规范code...
类模板特化cleanup 清理、清除client 客户端client-server 客户/服务器clipboard 剪贴簿 剪贴板clone 复制 克隆collection 群集 集合combo box 复合框 组合框command line 命令列 命令行communication 通讯 通讯compatible 相容 兼容compile time 编译期 编译期、编译时compiler 编译器 编译器component 组件 组件composition ...
类模板特化cleanup 清理、清除client 客户端client-server 客户/服务器clipboard 剪贴簿 剪贴板clone 复制 克隆collection 群集 集合combo box 复合框 组合框command line 命令列 命令行communication 通讯 通讯compatible 相容 兼容compile time 编译期 编译期、编译时compiler 编译器 编译器component 组件 组件composition ...
This method may require up to 45 GB of free disk space. An SSD is recommended for this method. Download Xcode like described in 'Packaging the SDK on macOS' Installclang,make,libssl-devel,lzma-develandlibxml2-devel Run./tools/ <xcode>.xip ...
separate multiple values with spacedisks_filter=""#* Enable check for new version from at startupdate_check="true"#* Enable graphs with double the horizontal resolution, increases cpu usagehires_graphs="false"#* Enable the use of psutil python3 module for data ...