Ein neuer Entwurf, vorgeschlagen von [flyte](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3103765), wurde in Form des Skins "argon" implementiert, um den alten Skin "triangles" von 2017 zu ersetzen.[^argon] Das visuelle Aussehen jedes Spielmodus erhielt eine umfassende Überarbeitung, wodurch die Lesbarkei...
Interface remove fps section as it contains no content and no longer works. add needs_cleanup:true osu! remove all images, they are broken and can not be found anywhere on the wiki. Removing the non-default ones is probably a good idea either ways, since some of those skins are no long...
Its fun, cant wait for lazer (Only if its not inappropriate) When we make yt videos on a game that means we like it and we have done this in videos. Its good and its very fun :D. Its good but you should probably add osu mania and the other modes also add skins and new maps j...
Denna inställning fungerar bara om det finns en mapp som heter taiko (versalisering spelar ingen roll) i Skins-mappen i osu!-mappen. När den är aktiverad, tar skin-element i taiko-mappen prioritet över aktuella skinnets taiko-element i osu!taiko-spelläget. Om taiko-map...
** Também não envie ou utilize o conteúdo de outras pessoas sem a devida permissão (incluindo, mas se não limitando a, skins e dificuldades colaborativas (guest difficulties)). @@ -58,12 +54,12 @@ Essas coisas ruins incluem (*mas não se limitam a*): * Perda do ...
Since osu! now can support both widescreen HD and standard size, a new button was added to the "Skins" tab under "Options". By default, old skin behaviour was used for compatibility and enabling the button will force the new skin behaviour to be in effect instead. [Combo fire](/wiki/...
Can't wait to see what some people end up doing with their skins with all these awesome new things being implemented. **[Loctav and smoogipooo have created a helpful wiki page about the tournament client](https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Osu!tourney)**. This page covers everything you'd need...
** Também não envie ou utilize o conteúdo de outras pessoas sem a devida permissão (incluindo, mas se não limitando a, skins e dificuldades colaborativas (guest difficulties)). Regras do Off-topic --- *Estas regras se aplicam APENAS ao [Off-topic](https://osu.ppy.sh/communit...
[IamKwaN](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/IamKwan) has thrown together a [neat video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e3Ir3SpLLA) showcasing all the skins used by the players on the winning team of the recently concluded OWC, the United States! She has also compiled a list of them for ...