[skin]Glow v2 只看楼主收藏回复 喷祠 Insane 6 可能比较粗糙,不当之处请指出。 送TA礼物 1楼2017-02-10 13:19回复 喷祠 Insane 6 link 2楼2017-02-10 13:20 收起回复 黑白永失 Tag2 13 来自Android客户端3楼2017-02-10 13:21 回复 ...
Implement skinnable mod display (#30993 by @Tom94) Gameplay (osu!) Fix some hitcircle sprites missing in certain skins since last release (#31254 by @peppy) Gameplay (osu!mania) Fix "spinner" conversion for mania-specific beatmaps (#30984 by @smoogipoo) Main Menu Load seasonal backgrou...
Custom skin elements must not be used to alter core gameplay elements or mechanics in unintended ways. If less than the minimum amount of required players are present at match time, the match can be postponed for up to 10 minutes. If after this period there are still not enough players for...
OSU的NV模式是什..以前no video是个special mod,后来改成了一个设置选项,和sb/skin一样可以选择开关。实际上osu一直都有关闭video的选项,当初no video的作用是关闭特定beatmap的
演奏完成之后,可以在第二次演奏时,在鼠标移动到最左边时显示的fun spoiler当中选择ignore skin来忽略皮肤,需要重新启动歌曲。12.歌曲背景太绚丽。请选择no video mod(在F1当中选择)。如有必要,在第二次和之后的游戏中在fun spoiler中选择ignore storyboard。--其他向--13.我想制作歌曲。可以选择使用自带的editor来...
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_4M8oLK1yr6RPnRhOCcOnA提取码:2ex5如果你直接使用"混隐Mod"来修改自己原有的皮肤,建议先备份一下自己皮肤的skin.ini 当然里面还有kemomimi酱的原图(逐个像素抠下来的纯人物),建议自己制作完之后加上去,不要用 最终.png,因为每个人用的皮肤不同。
stable, and adds a new mod ManiaModCover / CO which allows setting a custom cover. Smaller changes Fix selected legacy skins crashing on zero-length hold notes (ppy/osu#27138 by @bdach) Gameplay (osu!taiko) Convert selected legacy skin sprites to grayscale (ppy/osu#27059 by @bdach) ...
Skin Editor Fix skin editor freezing when replay screen exits early (#26149by@rushiiMachine) Song Select Fix visual BPM difference between beatmap wedge and mod selection (#27232by@maromalo) Adjust search terms for mods (#27192by@smoogipoo) ...