PP Calculator chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 osu! PP Calculator chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 计算osu! 的 pp 值节拍图页面。 简单的扩展,可以快速计算 osu! 的 PP 值! Web 浏览器中的节拍图。特征: * 适用于所有提交的 osu!节奏图* 基于最新 PP 返工的最新 PP 计算* 可根据各种精度...
speed_value *=0.97* (1.0- (effective_miss_count / num_total_hits) **0.775) ** effective_miss_count **0.875 # Step 4: Combo Scaling - 和之前的函数是一样的,这也能解释为什么miss后aim和speed的pp会下降,而玩家的maxcombo提升后,pp又会上去。(因为(a+c)/(b+c) > (a/b) if c>0,所以...
Home osu!taiko pp calculator osu!taiko pp calculatorbased on numbermaniac's and monty's versionsStar Rating After including DT/HT Convert: Note Count Overall Difficulty OD w/ mods: 6.5 300 Hit Window: 30.5ms Miss Count Accuracy Rounded Accuracy: 100% 100 count Mods...
osu! pp advanced inspector (oppai) is a difficulty and pp calculator for osu! standard beatmaps. It works on any map, even unsubmitted ones and all you have to do is supply it with the map's .osu file. Getting started Caching beatmaps ...
Editing one's own map and revealing their username in the creator field Editing a private beatmap by someone else (ie. an unrevealed pool beatmap for a tournament) Add flow for displaying achieved medals (ppy/osu#27276 by @bdach) Smaller changes Clear stored username/token from config when...
初探PP算法 两步式计算 抛开复杂的算法不谈, 我们先来谈论一些表象. 在表面来看, PP系统会综合评估谱面难不难和打的好不好两个概念, 最终计算出一个PP数值. 广泛存在的一个误区是PP系统会根据Replay来评判这两个概念, 这是一种错误的认知. 实际上, PP计算是两步式进行的, 第一步计算谱面难度(这一步通常...
streamers, with functions such as map information and key counter. Real Time PP Display https://awesomeopensource.com/project/OsuSync/RealTimePPDisplayer Calculates osu! game data in realtime. .osr to mp4 Converter https://github.com/uyitroa/osr2mp4-app/ Converts replay files to video. ...
std beatmap.constdifficultyCalculator=ruleset.createDifficultyCalculator(standardBeatmap);// Calculate difficulty attributes.constdifficultyAttributes=difficultyCalculator.calculate();// MariannE (Yooh) [Collab]// mrekk + HDDT 1371.45 pp.constscore=newScoreInfo({maxCombo:2492,rulesetId:0,count300:1756...
osu! pp and difficulty calculator. Transpiled by hand version of https://github.com/Francesco149/koohii I tried first to use cgo to use oppai-ng in Go but it was giving me always a 'undefined reference to c_function' error from the linker. Recently Francesco149 made a version in Java ...
osu! pp advanced inspector (oppai) is a difficulty and pp calculator for osu! standard beatmaps. It works on any map, even unsubmitted ones and all you have to do is supply it with the map's .osu file. Getting started Caching beatmaps Compiling from source (Linux) Compiling from source ...