(2) Join: 2015-10-31 02:25:57 PP: 19 130pp // -=- Useful links All skins: https://osuck.link/skins Send replays: https://replays.osuck.net osugame reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame OsuSkins reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OsuSkins More links will be there: https...
skins. But for this guide, we will check out Osuskins. Search for Osu skins on google. Click on the first site that is osuskins.net Here you can browse the different skins or search for a specific skin. You also get multiple filter options like: Modes Standard Mania Taiko Catch Players...
The skins will be imported as .osk so you can install them with just one *click*.Features All Game Modes osuskinner supports all game modes: standard, mania, taiko and catch. Save & Remix You can save the progress you've made with your skin whenever you want, so you can continue ...
https://exsper.github.io/osumania-ppcal/#/ - 国人开发的在线新版 osu!mania 谱面 pp 计算器 ...
osu!taiko Mapping and Modding Hub osu!catch Modding and Mapping Hub osu!mania Mapping & Modding Hub Mapset Management Server: Modding discussion and queues skinship: Hub for everything about skinningRedditosugame: Primary all-purpose osu! subreddit osureport: Branch of osugame for player reports...
osu!taiko Mapping and Modding Hub osu!catch Modding and Mapping Hub osu!mania Mapping & Modding Hub Mapset Management Server: Modding discussion and queues skinship: Hub for everything about skinningRedditosugame: Primary all-purpose osu! subreddit osureport: Branch of osugame for player reports...
私服,创立初衷是因为觉得ppysb所以想搞个更好的,服务器于2020年上线试运行,经过一年时间的发展(moyu),已经拥有相当数量的注册玩家(主要是mania玩家),经历调整测试之后,现在重新开放注册 本服有 全bancho图池四模式均rank 并有rx模式 另有全新pp系统正在锐意开发中(承诺不会比ppy给std做的更烂) 欢迎加入sb大家庭...
作者:CloudKeyz 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sRnslYQmYlkWOfgEgo0NuQ?pwd=MIKU 提取码:MIKU 原帖地址:https://www.reddit.com/r/OsuSkins/comments/x47dp4/hatsune_miku_30_miku_x_cinnamoroll_169_std_only/ 展开更多游戏 音游 MIKU 音乐游戏 初音 千本桜 OSU 初音MIKU 皮肤 皮肤展示 osu! 玉桂狗 ...