Improve osu!mania playability on mobile devices by @frenzibyte in #31368 Do not reset online information when saving beatmap by @bdach in #31747 Fix results screen sounds persisting after exit by @smoogipoo in #31742 Fix distance snap time part ceasing to work when grid snap is also act...
Gameplay (osu!mania) Fix "spinner" conversion for mania-specific beatmaps (#30984by@smoogipoo) Main Menu Load seasonal backgrounds without requiring being logged in (#31198by@peppy) No reason not to. Add christmas / seasonal mode (#31206by@peppy) ...
Mania:0.50 降低Overall Difficulty、HP Drain以及Approach Rate。 增大圆圈大小。 Taiko:小幅度降低Slider Velocity。 2次复活 不能跟Hard Rock搭配使用。 No Fail (NF) osu!:0.50 Taiko:0.50 CtB:0.50 Mania:0.50 不会游戏失败 会提交得分和准确率。 不能跟Unrank的MOD、Sudden Death以及Perfect搭配使用。 Half ...
Mania:0.50 降低Overall Difficulty、HP Drain以及Approach Rate。 增大圆圈大小。 Taiko:小幅度降低Slider Velocity。 2次复活 不能跟Hard Rock搭配使用。 No Fail(NF) osu!:0.50 Taiko:0.50 CtB:0.50 Mania:0.50 不会游戏失败 会提交得分和准确率。
游玩方式的设计参考了《押忍!战斗!应援团》、《太鼓达人》、《BeatmaniaIIDX》、《O2Jam》和《DJMax》,游戏共有osu!标准模式、osu!taiko、osu!catch以及osu!mania共四种玩法,深受各类音乐游戏玩家的喜爱。 2020年5月,osu!的注册人数超过1500万人。 基本信息...
Fix osu!mania notes disappearing on seek to their end time (#30755 by @bdach) Change some beatmap default settings to match stable (#30826 by @peppy) Countdown should be off by default Samples match playback rate also Do not deselect objects when control-clicking without hitting anything ...
`Catch the Beat`, `Taiko`, and `Mania`) only when discussing about said game mode's previous name. Articles that are more official, e.g. [Ranking Criteria](/wiki/Ranking_Criteria), may use `osu!` instead of `osu!standard`. ### Terminology These words are spelt as follows (note ...
mania Hal ini disebabkan oleh perangkat keras yang umum pada kebanyakan keyboard yang disebut ghosting. Ghosting merupakan topik yang cukup kompleks, tetapi pada intinya bermuara pada masalah dengan cara keyboard Anda dibuat yang mencegahnya mengirim lebih dari beberapa tombol se...
Fix osu!mania notes disappearing on seek to their end time (#30755 by @bdach)Change some beatmap default settings to match stable (#30826 by @peppy)Countdown should be off by default Samples match playback rate alsoDo not deselect objects when control-clicking without hitting anything (#...