osuskinner allows you to create custom osu! skins with pre-made skin elements. Get StartedorBrowse Skins How it works Contribute to the Pool Join the world's biggest osu! skin community and share your skin elements or the ones you found (with permission, of course!). It's easy, give ...
Add key counter support for classic/legacy skins (#29027 by @normalid-awa) pr.demo.mp4 Add "press enter" hint to in-gameplay chat box (#29281 by @kstefanowicz) I don't know how to get to a multiplayer game in a debug build, so I was not able to confirm if this works. Fix...
Denna inställning fungerar bara om det finns en mapp som heter taiko (versalisering spelar ingen roll) i Skins-mappen i osu!-mappen. När den är aktiverad, tar skin-element i taiko-mappen prioritet över aktuella skinnets taiko-element i osu!taiko-spelläget. Om taiko-map...
Visible on some maps with partial beatmap skins included: BeforeAfter UI Add recommended difficulty numerical value near filter in beatmap listing (#31101 by @Joehuu) Smaller changes Fix top score statistics section total score display being terminally broken (#31041 by @bdach) Fixes total sc...