If a player disconnects mid-game, their scores will not be counted towards their team's total, unless adequate proof of said score is provided. The following are considered as acceptable proof: Player point-of-view live stream snippets (commonly referred to as "clips" or "VODs"). The ...
Today, many scores pull less than 20% of their score from accuracy instead, relying on raw speed as the largest influencing component on how scores are set. This has reduced the meaningful impact of accuracy as a skill considerably, which is a peculiar Approach for a rhythm game where accura...
The program works with each game mode and can even be integrated into OBS for ease of streaming and to enhance viewer experience. **[A website extension that shows performance score ratings for songs on the osu! webpage](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/253951&start=0)** has been under ...
Today at 9:18 AM ••• Pixelbird14 I got a big happy family Today at 6:05 AM ••• MAH1RO And another track for the game is finished. With the ones that are still in production we already nearly reached half an hour in total. ^^ Today at 5:44 AM •••...
The bot can spectate players in-game and live stream it for you. It has a variety of commands that allow players to dictate the specific player speculated. The bot is currently at beta, but still has functionality. To maintain security, [a new verification system will be added soon]( ...
Today, many [prominent figures](https://osu.ppy.sh/news/131488540808) and sources helped grow the community into what it is now. How did you hear about the game? Let us know in the thread! There is no need for introductions. If I were to write a whole article on just how many ...