Thicc Omniman but osu - 4,600fps I uninstalled osu! and I lost my skins and beatmaps so I'm using a Miku Skin OSU ALL FALLS DOWN I made this map for osu!mania =) Comments Download Games Download more games Carnival Pack-50% Save up to 50% with this pack...
beatmaps.Download(beatmapSet, preferNoVideo.Value); }; this.FadeIn(BeatmapCard.TRANSITION_DURATION, Easing.OutQuint); spinner.Hide(); Icon.Show();2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 osu.Game/Beatmaps/Drawables/OnlineBeatmapSetCover.cs Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change...
diff --git a/osu.Game.Tests/Beatmaps/Formats/LegacyScoreDecoderTest.cs b/osu.Game.Tests/Beatmaps/Formats/LegacyScoreDecoderTest.csindex 93cda34ef7..cf2f0576c9 100644--- a/osu.Game.Tests/Beatmaps/Formats/LegacyScoreDecoderTest.cs+++ b/osu.Game.Tests/Beatmaps/Formats/LegacyScoreDecoderTest.cs@@...
Wrench your mind around the **6** tracks we've picked up for [**WINTERHORDE**'s Featured Artist listing](, all pre-timed and ready for your `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `F` mastery. Experience **WINTERHORDE**'s sound for yourself: <div align="ce...
Scan beatmaps imported by iTunes Decode .osu file (partly) Timing with Quartz Render background image & Background dim Draw Plain HitCircle & Judge Draw Sliders & Judge Play with backgound video Play with StoryBoard Play with skin in beatmap bundle About UI design The sketch file of the UI...
While Charles445 explains what flows well and how to analyze flow in beatmaps, I'm going to go over the main mistakes I've seen while modding. Please note that this is my personal opinion on flow, and it is in no way universal. ## Circles Expand Down 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 ...
On the website, beatmaps are automatically given a difficulty icon based on these star rating ranges: <!-- markdownlint-disable MD045 --> -  Easy: 0.0★–1.99★ -  Normal: 2.0★–2.69★ - ** was made last week on the song **[Yooh - Ice Angel](** with a 99.78% HR FC, netting an impressive 614 performance points and jumping them to rank 21 in osu!stand...
During the time the new registration system was being implemented, HTML5 playback of audio previews for beatmaps was also put into place, making the osu! website 100% flash free. Awesome! **[peppy](** was quite busy this week with osu!, and it shows!
[Mocha](/wiki/Mocha) has entered the scene with [pippi](/wiki/pippi), [Yuzu](/wiki/Yuzu), and [Maria](/wiki/Maria). Lastly, [Rin / Function Phantom](/beatmaps/artists/14) was announced to be part of the featured artists of osu!. Voting for both osu!mania and osu!catch beat...