"Todo: Possibly can be expanded with links to noteable skinners and their impact on the game" Only names I can think of are Garin (Yugen) and Downy (Anime Assemble). Everything else is before my time and barely anyone from that time is still active. Other than this I only know skinne...
Denna inställning fungerar bara om det finns en mapp som heter taiko (versalisering spelar ingen roll) i Skins-mappen i osu!-mappen. När den är aktiverad, tar skin-element i taiko-mappen prioritet över aktuella skinnets taiko-element i osu!taiko-spelläget. Om taiko-map...
Its fun, cant wait for lazer (Only if its not inappropriate) When we make yt videos on a game that means we like it and we have done this in videos. Its good and its very fun :D. Its good but you should probably add osu mania and the other modes also add skins and new maps j...