Denna inställning fungerar bara om det finns en mapp som heter taiko (versalisering spelar ingen roll) i Skins-mappen i osu!-mappen. När den är aktiverad, tar skin-element i taiko-mappen prioritet över aktuella skinnets taiko-element i osu!taiko-spelläget. Om taiko-map...
Since osu! now can support both widescreen HD and standard size, a new button was added to the "Skins" tab under "Options". By default, old skin behaviour was used for compatibility and enabling the button will force the new skin behaviour to be in effect instead. [Combo fire](/wiki/...
** Também não envie ou utilize o conteúdo de outras pessoas sem a devida permissão (incluindo, mas se não limitando a, skins e dificuldades colaborativas (guest difficulties)). Regras do Off-topic --- *Estas regras se aplicam APENAS ao [Off-topic](
[IamKwaN]( has thrown together a [neat video]( showcasing all the skins used by the players on the winning team of the recently concluded OWC, the United States! She has also compiled a list of them for ...