UMANTSEV A,OLSON G.Ostwald ripening in multi-component alloys. Scripta Metallurgica . 1993Philippe T, Voorhees P (2013) Ostwald ripening in multicompo- nent alloys. Acta Mater 61(11):4237-4244T. Philippe, P.W. Voorhees, Ostwald ripening in multicomponent alloys, Acta Mater. 61 (2013) 4237...
In subject area: Earth and Planetary Sciences 25 Basically, Ostwald ripening is the growth of larger emulsion droplets by absorption of soluble components from the water column. From: Oil Spill Science and Technology, 2011 About this pageSet alert ...
Ostwald Ripening in Multicomponent Alloys. Scripta Metall. Mater. 1993;29:1135.T. Philippe, P.H. Voorhees, Ostwald ripening in multicomponent alloys, Acta Mater. 61 (11) (2013) 4239e4244.A. Umantsev, G.B. Olson, Ostwald ripening in multicomponent alloys, Scr. Metall. Mater. 29 (1993) ...
We propose a general theory of Ostwald ripening for prolate spheroidal particles in a nonideal nondilute multicomponent alloy. The diffusion problem of a growing or shrinking particle is solved using prolate spheroidal coordinates under the assumption that the spheroidal particle has a constant Wulff ...
AlloysGlassesCrystal structureDiffusionPhase transitionsSolid-solutionsCoalescenceFilmsThe Ostwald ripening of a new phase during decomposition and crystallization in multicomponent and multiphase solutions and melts is investigated. Both conservative and open systems under non-isothermal conditions are considered. ...
del CASTILLO P E J R D, REISCHIG P, van der ZWAAG S. Tailoring of Ostwald ripening behaviour in multicomponent Al alloys [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2005, 52(8): 705-708.der Zwaag: 'Tailoring Ostwald ripening behaviour in multicomponent Al alloys - Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo, Reischig, et...