Ostwald ripening in emulsions is reviewed, with particular emphasis on the application of the Lifshitz, Slezov and Wagner theory to emulsion systems. The rate of ripening within single component disperse phase emulsions can be described using this theory, provided certain parameters are known, these ...
Ostwald ripening奥斯瓦尔德熟化在成分接近平衡的基体相a中脱溶粒子的竞争性长大ostwaldripening也叫第二相粒子粗化是第二相粒子脱溶形核后由于毛细管效应而导致小尺寸粒子周围的母相组元浓度高于大粒子周围的母相组元浓度小尺寸粒子gibbs自由能高于大粒子致使在两相平衡时母相浓度偏高这可以由公切线定则看出两处的母相...
Dissolution of small crystals or sol particles and the redeposition of the dissolved species on the surfaces of larger crystals or sol particles was first described by Wilhelm Ostwald in 1896. Ostwald ripening is generally found in water-in-oil emulsions, while flocculation is found in oil-in-wa...
Silva, Watson Loh, in Developments in Clay Science, 2022 2.4.3 Ostwald ripening The droplet size of emulsions may increase in size with time, even though it is clear that no coalescence is occurring. This phenomenon is called Ostwald ripening, and its mechanism is based on the effect of a...
Ostwaldripeningcausesthediffusion ofmonomersfromsmallertolargerdropletsduetogreatersolubilityofthe singlemonomermoleculesinthelargermonomerdroplets.Therateofthis diffusionprocessislinkedtothesolubilityofthemonomerinthecontinuous (water)phaseoftheemulsion.Thiscanleadtothedestabilizationofemulsions ...
The Ostwald ripening of alkane in water emulsions stabilized by the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) was investigated. For emulsions prepared under high-shear conditions in a microfluidizer, ripening rates do not depend on the micellar surfactant concentration. The aging process...
Background: White thyme essential oil, which can be incorporated in clean-label and food emulsion-based products, is a natural antimicrobial agent. However, emulsions containing essential oils commonly undergo Ostwald ripening as the main destabilization process. The main objective of this work was ...
Ostwald ripening in emulsions: Estimation of solution thermodynamics of the disperse phase The rate of Ostwald ripening has been measured for small emulsions prepared by the dilution of O/W microemulsions containing a range of n-alkanes. The rate... P Taylor - 《Advances in Colloid & Interface ...
and S.R. Dungan, Influence of surfactant structure on the contribution of micelles to Ostwald ripening in oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010. 343(1): p. 102-108.Ariyaprakai S., Dungan S.R., (2010) Influence of Surfactant Structure on the Contribution...
The silver halide crystals of photographic emulsions are precipitated from solutions of halides and silver salts. For example, if we mix solutions of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and potassium bromide (KBr), the following reaction takes place: AgNO3 (solution)