由英國 STUDIO BANANA THINGS 專利設計的Ostrich Pillow Go人體工學U型頸枕於KICKSTARTER眾籌網集資成功,正式發行。此款是一款時尚的旅行枕頭,為您帶來高品質的睡眠體驗。設計為所有頸部尺寸提供最大的舒適性和支撐,使用了彈性纖維及記憶綿,能適應您的脖子。而且可折疊,方便攜帶。內設隱藏性磁扣設計,能三...
Make Rest second nature with Ostrichpillow. Cultivate comfort at home or while you travel with intuitive sleep and relaxation products. Shop online now!
Collection: Travel Make comfort your carry-on with products designed for getting Rest on the go. Lightweight and portable, they go wherever your journey takes you. New Colors Go Neck Pillow First class comfort for every journey Regular priceB $69 Eye Mask Rest in total darkness ...
这款Go Neck脖枕采用符合人体工学设计,以高品质记忆海绵全方位支撑头脖,让您在旅程中也可享受上乘的睡眠体验。 脖枕设计轻巧、材质舒适,以国泰经典翡翠绿为主调,并可根据个人喜好调整出最舒服的位置及承托力。还犹豫应否加入外游必备清单?脖枕更配备一个收纳小袋,方便存放及携带;不需使用时,更可压缩至其尺寸的...
For Studio Banana Things, what started off as a faintly absurd idea for helping people to sleep on the go has turned into a fourth successfully crowdfunded product. The new Ostrich Pillow Go is a travel pillow of varying thickness to ensure users can fin
When you're on the go, you just never know when you're going to need to grab a quick nap. With the Ostrich Pillow Lite, you're always prepared. Small enough to fit into almost any briefcase or purse, the Ostrich Pillow Lite can also double as a make-shift scarf on your way to ...
『Ostrich Pillow 鴕鳥枕』賣場快速連結請點這邊 在英國有約三分之一的人長期睡眠不足,在美國的車禍事件也有一半以上是因為睡眠不足精神無法集中,相信在台灣,一定也有非常多人被晚上睡不好、白天昏沈沈的問題困擾著,英國的設計工作室「Studio Banana Things」設計了兩款讓你從基隆可以一路睡到屏東的鴕鳥枕:Ostrich ...
There are many reasons for this, typically, men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor. “Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should,” says Dr. Gullotta, “This is particularly so for the ...
『Ostrich Pillow 鴕鳥枕』賣場快速連結請點這邊 在英國有約三分之一的人長期睡眠不足,在美國的車禍事件也有一半以上是因為睡眠不足精神無法集中,相信在台灣,一定也有非常多人被晚上睡不好、白天昏沈沈的問題困擾著,英國的設計工作室「Studio Banana Things」設計了兩款讓你從基隆可以一路睡到屏東的鴕鳥枕:Ostrich ...
Use it as a travel pillow, day pillow, reading pillow, commuting pillow, lounging pillow...Custom feel fit Its unique design lends itself to be portable, comfortable, and totally adaptable to your comfort with the integrated fit adjuster. Together with the next generation coated microbead ...