Twitter Google Share on Facebook ostmark (redirected fromOstmark (Austria)) Encyclopedia ost·mark (ôst′märk′, ŏst′-) n. A former unit of currency in East Germany worth 100 pfennigs. [German :Ost,east(from Middle High Germanōst, ōsten, from Old High Germanōstan; seeaus-inIndo...
Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia ost·mark (ôst′märk′, ŏst′-) n. A former unit of currency in East Germany worth 100 pfennigs. [German :Ost,east(from Middle High Germanōst, ōsten, from Old High Germanōstan; seeaus-inIndo-European roots) +Mark,mark(from Middle High Germanmarke...
Exchange rate dynamics and currency unification: The Ostmark-DM rate In der Gewalt des Feindes : Kriegsgefangenenlager in der "Ostmark"1939 bis 1945 Zwischen Integration, Kooperation und Vernichtung: Blinde Menschen in der "Ostmark"1938-1945 ...
- GERLACH, S.: (1990) Exchange Rate Dynamics and Currency Unification: The Ostmark-DM Rate. CEPR Discussion Paper, no. 485.Burda, M. and S. Gerlach (1993), `Exchange rate dynamics and currency unification: The Ostmark-DM rate', Empirical Economics, vol. 18, pp. 417-429, 10.1007/BF...
Gerlach (1993), `Exchange rate dynamics and currency unification: The Ostmark-DM rate', Empirical Economics, vol. 18, pp. 417-429, 10.1007/BF01176196. URL, M., Gerlach, S., 1993. Exchange Rate Dynamics and Currency Unification: The Ostmark - ...