For primary outcomes, the interventions of RCTs are not the same: the prescription used in Amstrup 2015 [26,27] is “Melatonin 1 or 3 mg+ Calcium 800 mg+ Vit D3 20μg,” which is “Melatonin 5 mg+ Strontium (citrate) 450 mg+ Vitamin D3 2000 IU+ Vitamin K2 60μg” in Maria 2...
tothatofvitaminD3,ream~ ,.Youngmaler淞 wa[e adminisWated100m ml~eninefor8weeks,andtheyshowedrenalfailureandboneloss.Tlleadenine-treatedralswere dividedintolhefollowing3groups,thatis,thegroupexperiencedno~alment(con~oD,filegroupgivenourChineseherbal ...