In this paper, we identify DFO correlated features present in a DFO X-ray dataset that become a source of class differentiation for DL models. The dataset contains 882 dorsoplantar foot X-rays with DFO in the forefoot. To isolate distinct information in the original X-rays, six sub-image ...
Six weeks before admission he had noticed a gradual swelling in the right temporal area (figure 1). His examination was otherwise normal. He had a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and a chest X-ray showed a widened mediastinum. MR scan (visit the journal online to view the video) of...
Conventional X-rays were performed in twenty-seven patients (87.1%); and scintigraphy in twenty-one (67.7%) (20 whole-body and 1 plantar); MRI/CT in thirty patients (96.8%) of which eight (25,8%) had a whole-body MRI. MRI/CT discovered most lesions compared to X-ray and ...
D, volume of soft tissue in hind paws calculated from X-ray μCT data. Values were obtained by subtracting bone volume from a total paw volume (total paw volume is the volume of the paw reconstructed from μCT scans, including all soft tissues and the bone). Phosphorylation of SFK ...
Tomography, X-Ray ComputedImaging, Three-DimensionalAnti-Bacterial AgentsTreatment OutcomeAdultChronic DiseasePrimary chronic osteomyelitis of the jaw is an uncommon non-suppurative, chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin. It can manifest as early or adult onset and is characterised by lack of ...
The small-angle X-ray scattering method has been applied to evaluate various macromolecular parameters such as the specific inner surface, the transversal lengths, the length of crystallinity, the range of amorphous zone and the percentage of porosity in pure human bone and osteomyelitis, an ...
Initial x-ray imaging showed an osteolytic area in the upper third of the tibial diaphysis. The patient was admitted and underwent a computed tomography-guided biopsy. The specimen revealed a Cryptococcus neoformans infection of the bone and the breast. She was treated with 400 mg fluconazole ...
Chest X-rayTuberculous osteomyelitis affecting the long bones is extremely rare. Here is a case of a 20 year old girl who had pain in her right lower leg for 12 months. There was often a slight fever but no history of loss of weight or pulmonary symptoms. Chest X-ray was normal. X-...
A total sample size of 168 participants was involved in the study. The random sampling technique was applied to select the study participants. The data were collected from the patients, their charts, and X-ray requests. The data were cleaned, stored, checked for completeness...
The absence of any other symptoms and signs, a normal blood count and cervical spine X-ray, and the rarity of cervical osteomyelitis, all contributed to a delay in diagnosis.doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.1997.215-az0356.xA. M. CynaK. R. Bell...