The enormous growing problem with antibiotic resistance in pathogenic microbes is one of the greatest threats we are facing today. In the context of orthopedic applications, infections also lead to the limited healing ability of infected and defected bone. Generally, these problems are treated with a...
In animals bearing osteolytic lesions caused by 4T1 cells, C-terminal intact periostin (iPTN) expression disappeared at the invasive front of skeletal tumors where bone-resorbing osteoclasts were present. In vitro, we found that periostin was a substrate for osteoclast-derived cathepsin K, ...
signicfiocnacnentltyraetiloenvatoefd2v0a0luµegs/wL ecroemdpeaterermd intoedthfeorubnostthimuunltarteeadtecdel(lps.=C0o.0m3p) arnindgtrebaotehdt(ipm=e 0p.0o1in7t)s,cells (Figusirgen1ifAica).nItnlyheluemvaatendPvBalMueCs wcuelrteudreetse,rnmoinseidgnfoifir cbaontht udniftfreearetend...
In instances where DPPC is not present, a plateau begins to develop afteerr 33––44 nnss;; wwhhiillee iinn tthhee pprreesseennccee ooff DDPPPPCC,, a similar plateau is observed only after 6–10 ns. This overall tendency toward a constant value can allow for a more general estimation ...