Ostelin 维生素D口服液/滴剂 50ml(适合12岁以上)含有丰富钙质,帮助人体健康发育;有效预防骨质酥松;不含人工甜味剂或添加剂、无转基因成分、不含蛋类、豆类、奶类制品、不含二氧化硫和亚硫酸盐;Ostelin的钙、维D系列产品一直广受信任,是澳洲专业生产钙片和维他命D的品牌(除了钙及维D外不生产任何其他产品),并仅在澳...
Vita-D helps build strong bones and helps reduce the risk of falls and bone fractures. Vita-D contains Vitamin D3 1000 I.U. per capsule, which is the preferred form of Vitamin D. Vita-D helps build strong bones.The adult dosage is one capsule daily with food or as directed by your ...