The holiday honors the Germanic goddess Eostre or Ostara. Like the vernal equinox, it is a time to celebrate increasing daylight, the earth’s fertility, and the Sun’s rebirth. Many people celebrate Ostara with rituals, feasts, and activities such as planting seeds, decorating eggs, and honor...
With joy and trust, I place these requests in the hands of the Goddess and Her Lord." Light the papers afire in the flame of the Fire candle and drop them one by one into the cauldron to manifest as the Gods see fit. As you do so, say: "These thought-seeds I do willingly place...
Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our lives -- whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cann...
Arrange your tools upon the altar, light the candles and incense, and cast the Circle. Recite a Blessing chant and invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar and gaze upon the plant as you say: Hail Great Goddess, the chains of your wintry prison have fallen away. Now is the ...