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Additional value and potential use of the 70-gene prognosis signature in node-negative breast cancer in daily clinical practice Ann Oncol, 22 (2011), pp. 2021-2030 View PDFView articleCrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [72] G. Kunz Use of a genomic test (MammaPrint™) in daily clinical...
A high content of osthole is found in the mature fruit of Cnidium monnieri (Fructus Cnidii), which is commonly used in the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine[12, 13]. Osthole is also widely found in other medicinal plants including Angelica, Archangelica, Citrus, and Clausena....
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High concentrations of ost- hole are found in the mature fruit of Cnidium monnieri (Fruc- tus Cnidii), which is commonly used in the clinical practice Cai Y et al 75 of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)[5, 6]. Osthole is also widely found in other medicinal plants...
A simple method for characterising syndactyly in clinical practice Genet. Couns., 16 (2005), pp. 229-238 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 6 K. Lezirovitz, S.R. Maestrelli, N.H. Cotrim, P.A. Otto, P.L. Pearson, R.C. Mingroni-Netto A novel locus for split-hand/foot malformation assoc...
(Fructus Cnidii), which is commonly used in the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine12,13. Osthole is also widely found in other medicinal plants including Angelica, Archangelica, Citrus, and Clausena. Osthole has been shown to have multiple functions14, among which, immunomodulation...