解释错误代码nsosstatuserrordomain code=-16976的含义: NSOSStatusErrorDomain是iOS系统中用于表示操作系统级错误的错误域。错误代码-16976通常与媒体文件处理相关,具体含义可能因上下文而异,但一般指示媒体文件无法被正确处理或访问。 提供可能导致此错误的原因: 媒体文件格式不支持:iOS可能不支持您尝试播放或处理的媒体...
//And many more- (void)logError:(OSStatus)status{ if (status == kIOReturnError另外,是否有更简单的方法从OSStatus错误代码中识别错误原因? 浏览5提问于2013-06-21得票数1 回答已采纳 扫码 添加站长 进交流群 领取专属10元无门槛券 手把手带您无忧上云 ...
Mac OS error code -36 I'm on MacOS Ventura 13.6. I'm encountering an error "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “XXX.pptx” can’t be read or written when I tried to move the file to trash. However, I'm able to open the file in powerpoint. Any sugges...
When I play Start this message appear: "Playback error, Status error 1685348671". Thank you for help.iPad Pro 12.9-inch Wi-Fi Posted on Dec 13, 2016 6:50 AM Me too (111) Reply Page content loaded There are no replies.OSStatus error 1685348671 Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum...
log('ERROR:', error)} disableFocus mixWithOthers={'mix'} muted={muted} /> 👍 2 mihailapuste closed this as completed Oct 6, 2023 braincore commented Mar 22, 2024 @mihailapuste How did you resolve this? It appears to work in the simulator, but not on device. wjbeau commented...
错误内容:-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "wxworklocal://" - error: "未能完成操作。(“OSStatus”错误 -10814。)" 使用的注册参数。 corpId = "wxf0914a6fe4aab002" agentId = "1000040" registerApp = "wwauthf0914a6fe4aab002000040"回答关注问题邀请回答 收藏 分享 5 个回答 企业微信运营专员-千夜 ...
安装错误信息如下: error code ELIFECYCLE 21 error errno 1 22 error vueadmin@1.0.5 dev: `node...
1、[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithData:musicData error&e]; 2、[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:fileURL error:&error]; 第一种是使用将音频文件的data文件初始化,但是data必须是一个完整的文件。 第二种是从url获取,但是这里的url是本地的file URL。
设置>开发人员>清除受信任的计算机 并确保您已打开开发者模式。设置>隐私和安全>开发者模式>打开开发者...
But when I go and play the file is get OSStatus error -43 file not found. This is all running on the device btw, on the simulator y an error when trying to instantiate the recorder or player, and from I've seen it's a simulator issue. EDIT 1: I solved the OSSt...