slayer_masters list The slayer masters who can assign the monster. True False duplicate boolean If the monster is a duplicate. True False examine string The examine text of the monster. True False wiki_name string The OSRS Wiki name for the monster. True False wiki_url string The OSRS Wiki...
The monster database also has extensive properties: a total of 44 unique properties for each monster, as well as an array of item drops for each monster that has 6 additional properties per item drop. The base properties include the monster ID, name, member status, slayer properties, attack ...
slayer_masterslistThe slayer masters who can assign the monster.TrueFalse duplicatebooleanIf the monster is a duplicate.TrueFalse examinestringThe examine text of the monster.TrueFalse wiki_namestringThe OSRS Wiki name for the monster.TrueFalse ...