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named using the unique monster ID number. This is useful when you want to fetch data for a single monster where you already know the item ID number.
Where to buy Runescape gold?, in collaboration with, is your secure and reliable choice for all OSRS Gold and RS3 Gold needs. As the #1 OSRS Gold site in 2023, we offer a seamless experience with instant delivery (98.5% within 5 minutes), a consistently full stock...
This means you will need to have the Cooking Cape, one of thebest skillscapes in OSRS, in order to stop them from burning. If you’re able to keep a couple of pieces of cooked shark in your inventory, you’ll be in good shape for any difficult quest. 9.Monkfish Monkfish can be ca...
The notes beside the items is to show you where you can stash that particular item. Melee When you’re first starting out in your Ironman run and you want to focus on improving your melee capabilities, it’s best to get the adamant sword, goblin paint cannon, and the rune sword first....
First to earn a Quest Cape or Music Cape First to complete specific Collection Logs First to gain a particular pet First to gain specific iconic drops First to complete a quest Are Fresh Start Worlds Permanent? Unfortunately, FSW won’t be around forever. These specific worlds only have a li...
(You must log in or sign up to post here.)Similar Threads Selling Level 110-120 Total Level 1500-2000 OSRS Main, 1903 Total Skill Level, 394 Mill Bank, graceful, e void, quest cape Aram70, 11/8/24, in forum: Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell Replies: 1 Views: 107...
Amulet of Glory (4), Energy potions, Boots of lightness, Spotted cape or Spottier cape, and Penance gloves. Items Acquired During Quest: Origami Balloon, August's Willow Sapling, and a Basket of Apples. Quest Points: 1 Reward: 2k Crafting XP, 3k Farming XP, 1.5k Woodcutting XP, 4k Fi...
buy_limit integer The Grand Exchange buy limit of the item. True True quest_item boolean If the item is associated with a quest. True False release_date string Date the item was released (in ISO8601 format). True True duplicate boolean If the item is a duplicate. True False examine strin...
(2.5K+) of extensive monster metadata for every monster in OSRS. This folder contains the entire osrsbox-db monster database where each monster has an individual JSON file, named using the unique monster ID number. This is useful when you want to fetch data for a single monster where you...