Kits such as Ornament, Recolours, and Upgrade Kits make your items untradeable. Due to this, they cost nothing to reclaim when you die. If you like to AFK Slayer life and die often, this is a money-saver for you. Burying bones in theCatacombsreplenishes Prayer Points. This makes a B...
Keris is a unique dagger you can get when you complete the quest called Contact in OSRS. For some types of enemies like Scarabites and Kalphites, you can deal more damage when you use this weapon to attack them. You can lose this weapon when you die in this game, but you can retriev...
If you die, you will only be able to retrieve your items for100,000 GP. In Chambers of Xeric (Raids 1), if you die, you simply respawn and lose points. In addition, it is not a safe-death, meaning if you’re a Hardcore Ironman, you will lose your Hardcore Ironman status if you...
Stay in the South-Eastern Area:To prevent attracting Prime and Supreme while luring Rex, position yourself in the south-eastern part of the arena. Prime typically avoids this area, making it a safer spot. You can then attack Rex when he's closest to the east, minimizing the risk of addit...
Food is not needed since when you are killed you respawn at the landing boat. An axe and a hammer are also recommended to repair gates and barricades. Cannons can't be taken to the island. Starting Point: This mini game is located at the Void Knights' outpost. To get there, talk to...
You are now ready to check out the Pest Control OSRS activity for yourself. It is a fun minigame to participate in with friends, as long as you have member accounts. The rewards are worth your time, and there’s enough challenge within to keep you more than occupied when you choose to...